This caliper body fat calculator can be used to get estimation of your body fat percentage and lean muscle mass by using any of two measurement: Seven or Three site caliper skin folds by Jackson & Pollock methods.
Body Fat Percent
Fat Mass
Lean Muscle Mass
Men up to age of 30 the range is 9%-15%, from age of 30 to 50 the range is 11%-17%, and from age of 50 the range is 12%-19%.
The use of caliper measure in Jackson & Pollock method is very precise but for best accuracy prefferd Seven Fold Site over Three Fold Site.
It should be noted that not all people have the same ideal body fat percentage. It varies with age, sex, and genetics, one person might be better at a lower or higher body fat than another person of the same age and sex.
Women up to age of 30 the range is 14%-21%, from age of 30 to 50 the range is 15%-23%, and from age of 50 the range is 16%-25%.